Have you ever felt lonely or alienated? Like you just can’t relate to anyone around you? There might be a reason for that.
What is a Starseed?
Starseeds are advanced beings that originate from far-distant stars and galaxies, whose mission is to assist earth into the Golden Age. Starseed are highly evolved souls with an unfathomable amount of wisdom hibernating in their core. Sources tell us that these come from a faraway galaxy which are light years away but they have found home here on earth.
Activation switch of a Starseed
Starseeds experience a total amnesia as to their true identities, however, each is encoded with an activation switch. Each “awakening” is unique and can range from measured and calm to abrupt and intense. When activated, Starseeds don’t need to be told what they are, they inherently know. They recall their purpose on earth and where they’re from with no explanations needed.
Purpose of a Starseed
The purpose of a Starseed is very clear. They are here on earth to be of service to mankind. There are here to assist our societies to a new age rather than just studying about humans. Though scientists will always question the belief in Starseed, they certainly cannot disapprove of their existence.
What are Starseeds like?
Starseeds look, act and feel like normal human beings, however, they experience an innate loneliness and a longing to return home.
- While they are quick to discern human agendas, they find human behavior to be bewildering and irrational.
- They are reluctant to involve themselves with society.
- An important characteristic feeling of genuine excitement upon learning that they might not be human after all.
- They are naturally drawn to the concept of space exploration and “science fiction”.
Characteristics of a Starseed
- From a young age, you have had an inherent wisdom that usually comes later in life for other people.
- You are an old soul. You feel ancient to the core.
- No matter where you are, you always have a feeling of homesickness.
- You know what home feels like, even if you can’t express it, and you know that your house is not it.
- Even as a child, you have always felt different, like you are unique and others cannot understand you.
- You often feel morally superior to others, regardless of education or social stature.
- Your sense of empathy is overwhelming to others, this is also one of the most prominent Starseed Characteristics.
- You are incredibly intelligent but bored easily by traditional academics.
Physical attributes of a Starseed
Your physical body is an enigma to doctors. It functions differently than everyone else’s and the medical world struggles to understand it. This may manifest itself in ways as small as a lower than average body temperature or inability to withstand heat.
- Might have had a paranormal or psychic experience and may have seen a ghost, heard other’s thoughts, had dreams that became reality.
- You feel as though you have a purpose or mission to fulfill, but struggle to find what you want to do with your life.
- The physical limitations of your body often frustrate you.
Friends and surroundings –
You have very few friends, but those seem to understand you without the need for explanation. Your dreams are vivid and exceptional, and waking life never seems to measure up.
- Your dreams will seem otherworldly, as though your mind has created a completely separate universe.
- Others are often wary of you or feel uncomfortable in your presence.
- People instinctively know that you are different, but struggle to verbalize why. You may even feel isolated within your own family.
Starseed’s Interactions with other than Humans-
Animals trust you and are naturally drawn to you. You understand them to the point that it feels as though you can communicate. Clearly love to spend time with them more than any human. Also, you find a friend in them and feel safe around them.
Starseed’s are highly spiritual
Spirituality is also one of the Starseed Characteristics. These Individuals are interested in spirituality but see the divine beyond books and religion. You may not be able to put it into words, but you have a deep understanding that spirituality has always been an intrinsic part of you.
You tend to see beyond the external facade and instinctively know when they are lying. Also, you have a natural ability to make others feel better – whether through medicine or your words. Strangers will often open up about their problems without even realizing it.
Other traits of a Starseed
- You are drawn to metaphysics and the science behind other worlds.
- From a young age, you questioned the ways of society and still feel perplexed as to how other’s don’t see its mistakes.
- Though your dreams are exceptional, you’ve always had trouble sleeping.
- People’s first impression of you is often aloof or cold.
- Once they get to know you, you become one of the most loving people that they know.
- You avoid large crowds and find it hard to handle people in large doses, even friends.
High emotional quotient-
To you, people are overwhelming and their emotions and actions seem chaotic. You have the ability to emotionally or spiritually grow much faster than those around you. Your sense of morality keeps you grounded, even when presented with emotions that are difficult for others to handle.
How to awaken a Starseed- Different stages?
Stage 1- The Life-Altering experience
A life-altering experience kick-starts your Starseed awakening. It can be a nervous breakdown, a near-death experience or union with a twin flame.
Stage 2- Change of beliefs
After this defining moment in your life, you start to perceive things differently. You uncover the mask of reality and start to see things for what they are. You no longer believe in the deceptive and misleading concepts of societies and civilizations. This increasingly leads to dissatisfied feeling with what you’re doing in your life.
Stage 3- Spiritual awareness develops
Your spiritual horizons broaden, and you become exceptionally aware of your surroundings and people. The ability of your intuition to anticipate danger increases markedly. You start to have lucid dreams that seem extraordinarily real.
Stage 4- Attention towards love and beauty grows
If there are people around you who have always been shunned by society and have been regarded as ugly and unlovable, you start to see the beauty in them. You see them through a different lens, and that makes all the difference. Your thirst for interacting with them makes you feel parched.
Stage 5- You further hone your spiritual laws
Once you embark upon the journey of love and compassion, you automatically burnish your Starseed abilities. It becomes effortless to help those others around you and to understand their insecurities and fears.
Stage 6- Union with your higher self takes place
This higher-self imbues a sense of clarity within you. Mental obscurity completely diminishes and you align with your true mission in life. You finally meet your higher self
These are the Starseed awakening stages, and if you are experiencing them, you are finally realizing your Starseed roots.