March 29, 2025 8:02 am

Health and fitness

Top 4 Things Adversely Affecting Your Child’s Eye Health

The risk of Corneal Abrasion increases by 1.57% every year, according to EMedicine.

There are so many things your kids do throughout the day that might affect their eye health. Improper eye health can cause diseases such as Corneal Abrasion.

Things Adversely Affecting Your Child’s Eye Health:

Child's Eye Health

In today’s blog, we have shared major things/actions adversely affecting your child’s eye health. So without making you wait any longer, let’s jump straight to our first point.

#1 Improper Eyewear

Do you often catch your kids playing with your eyewear? They might think it’s fun to play with, but it might affect their eyes. When they wear contact glasses, it puts strain on their eyes, damaging their retina.

Moreover, an underrated thing that might be affecting your kids’ eyes is – “not wearing shades in the sun. UV rays in sunlight, when directly hit your eyes, put lots of strain on them. By making your kids wear sunglasses you can save their eyes from UV rays.

#2 Corneal Abrasion

The first action or reflex of every kid when something comes in contact with their eyes is “rubbing it”. You might obviously have seen your kids rubbing their eyes due to any possibility. But rubbing eyes is more harmful than you can think of. Rubbing eyes can cause scratches in the cornea, which is also known as Corneal Abrasion in medical terms.

It’s a common eye problem in school kids, which results in pain, redness, and redness in the eyes. Therefore it’s important to teach your kids not to rub their eyes. Instead, if something goes in it, for example dust, they can wash their eyes with water. It’s way better than rubbing eyes.

#3 Unbalanced Diet

Corneal Abrasion is one of the many eye diseases kids are highly prone to nowadays. Do you know why kids of today’s time are so high at risk of health problems? It’s because their immunity is super low, thanks to access to all the junk food.

Besides consuming junk food, an unbalanced diet is also a big reason behind your kids’ low immunity. Feeding them the right food is your responsibility. Make sure their meals are full of vegetables. A healthy meal can help your kid keep a distance from health problems. Look for ways to cook vegetables in a delicious way that your kids cannot resist.

#4 Monitor Screens

Kids these days have easy access to technology. Chances are your kids might have their own personal phone by now. Is that right? Even if they don’t have smartphones, they might obviously spend a lot of time in front of TV screens.

TV screens, smartphones, laptops, and other display technology have a great effect on our eyes. These screens leave blue rays, which isn’t good for kids’ eyes. The more time your kids spend in front of the monitor screen, the higher the risk of eye diseases such as Corneal Abrasion.

Final Words

Kids are careless. But being a parent, you have to be responsible enough to take care of their eye health. In today’s blog, we have shared some of the major things that might be affecting your kids’ eyes. Learn about them and educate your kids about them. Also, if you have any doubts, do let us know in the comment section. Let’s save your kids from Corneal Abrasiontogether!



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