March 29, 2025 8:13 am

Health and fitness

4 Common Vaginal Problems You Should Know

Women’s Health: Common Vaginal Problems You Should Know About

Vaginal health is important for women’s overall well-being. Itchiness, irritation, and abnormal discharge are some of the common symptoms that could indicate something isn’t right down there. Ongoing vaginal infections can lead to serious issues, like infertility, that’s why it’s important for these symptoms to get checked the soonest possible time.

Common Vaginal Problems:

Candida or yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, and chlamydia are some of the most common vaginal infections that women face. Below, take a look at some of the common signs and symptoms of these infections and what you can do to prevent them.

  • Candidiasis Or Yeast Infection

A healthy vagina  has a good balance of yeast cells and good bacteria. However, when this balance is disturbed and the number of yeast cells increase considerably, it leads to increased itching and skin irritation. This condition is called yeast infection or candidiasis. With proper treatment, yeast infection can clear up within a few days. But, if the case is severe, it may take up to two weeks for the symptoms to subside.

Since a yeast infection isn’t spread sexually, even those who aren’t sexually active may get it. Pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, weak immune system, hormonal imbalance, and stress are some of the common factors causing candidiasis. Vaginal itching, pain during sex, swelling of the vagina, soreness, rash, and discolored vaginal discharge are some of the common symptoms.

Yeast infections mostly occur during your fertile years, before the onset of puberty, or before menopause. This is because there’s a dramatic hormonal imbalance at these times.

You can treat a simple yeast infection with home remedies, too. Coconut oil and tea tree oil cream can be applied to relieve symptoms. Also, you could shop for some clinically-proven products at Happy V to help maintain vaginal health and keep you safe from candidiasis.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection caused by Gardnerella vaginalis, the most common type of bacteria in your vagina. It’s caused by the pH imbalance in your vagina. Although this infection isn’t dangerous, it can cause some very uncomfortable symptoms. Using deodorants or similar products that irritate the skin is the main reason behind bacterial vaginosis.

This infection isn’t sexually transmitted, but multiple sex partners can increase the risk of getting one. One of the main symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is lots of discolored vaginal discharge that has a strong fishy odor. BV is usually treated with antibiotics.

To prevent bacterial vaginosis, include probiotics in your daily diet. Another easy home remedy is washing the vaginal area with a solution of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Since apple cider vinegar is known to balance pH levels, this remedy may alleviate symptoms.

  • Chlamydia

This is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Since it doesn’t show many symptoms, it is easily passed on to sexual partners. It’s difficult to tell the symptoms because they usually don’t occur, but when they do, they can be seen within one or two weeks of contact. Although this infection is very common among women, men can get it, too.

Sexually active and pregnant women are at a higher risk for chlamydia. Bleeding between and/or painful periods, abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain with fever, and vaginal itching are some of the symptoms in women.

Chlamydia is usually treated with antibiotics and takes anywhere from a week to two weeks to clear up. It’s advisable to refrain from sex during treatment. If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to severe health issues, like the damaging of fallopian tubes and even infertility. Known for its rich antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, consuming one to two pods of raw garlic may help reduce infection.

  • Preventive Measures

Here are some measures you can take to prevent vaginal infection

  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes.
  • Ensure that you maintain good hygiene.
  • Include probiotics in your diet as these can help balance the good bacteria in your body. Yogurt, as well as fermented food, like kombucha, kimchi, and pickles, are good sources of probiotics.
  • Use comfortable underwear (cotton underwear is ideal).
  • Change tampons and pads regularly.
  • Avoid douches.
  • Don’t use scented toilet paper.
  • Don’t keep your swimsuit on for too long after a swim.
  • Keep your front and back area dry.
  • Immediately change wet clothes.

Things You Can  Do To Improve Vaginal Health

  • Protect vaginal pH balance by using mild and scent-free cleansers.
  • Practice safe sex. Using lubricants even when you’re using protection is important. Without lubricant, the skin of the vagina may get irritated. But, don’t use petroleum jelly; instead, use a water-based or oil-based product.
  • See your gynecologist on a regular basis.

Consult A Doctor

If the symptoms haven’t subsided within a week, it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor. In case you have a recurring infection, consult the doctor immediately. Ensure that you don’t have your period during your appointments the doctor may prescribe tests.



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Health and fitness

4 Common Vaginal Problems You Should Know

Women’s Health: Common Vaginal Problems You Should Know About

Vaginal health is important for women’s overall well-being. Itchiness, irritation, and abnormal discharge are some of the common symptoms that could indicate something isn’t right down there. Ongoing vaginal infections can lead to serious issues, like infertility, that’s why it’s important for these symptoms to get checked the soonest possible time.

Common Vaginal Problems:

Candida or yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, and chlamydia are some of the most common vaginal infections that women face. Below, take a look at some of the common signs and symptoms of these infections and what you can do to prevent them.

  • Candidiasis Or Yeast Infection

A healthy vagina  has a good balance of yeast cells and good bacteria. However, when this balance is disturbed and the number of yeast cells increase considerably, it leads to increased itching and skin irritation. This condition is called yeast infection or candidiasis. With proper treatment, yeast infection can clear up within a few days. But, if the case is severe, it may take up to two weeks for the symptoms to subside.

Since a yeast infection isn’t spread sexually, even those who aren’t sexually active may get it. Pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, weak immune system, hormonal imbalance, and stress are some of the common factors causing candidiasis. Vaginal itching, pain during sex, swelling of the vagina, soreness, rash, and discolored vaginal discharge are some of the common symptoms.

Yeast infections mostly occur during your fertile years, before the onset of puberty, or before menopause. This is because there’s a dramatic hormonal imbalance at these times.

You can treat a simple yeast infection with home remedies, too. Coconut oil and tea tree oil cream can be applied to relieve symptoms. Also, you could shop for some clinically-proven products at Happy V to help maintain vaginal health and keep you safe from candidiasis.

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection caused by Gardnerella vaginalis, the most common type of bacteria in your vagina. It’s caused by the pH imbalance in your vagina. Although this infection isn’t dangerous, it can cause some very uncomfortable symptoms. Using deodorants or similar products that irritate the skin is the main reason behind bacterial vaginosis.

This infection isn’t sexually transmitted, but multiple sex partners can increase the risk of getting one. One of the main symptoms of bacterial vaginosis is lots of discolored vaginal discharge that has a strong fishy odor. BV is usually treated with antibiotics.

To prevent bacterial vaginosis, include probiotics in your daily diet. Another easy home remedy is washing the vaginal area with a solution of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Since apple cider vinegar is known to balance pH levels, this remedy may alleviate symptoms.

  • Chlamydia

This is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Since it doesn’t show many symptoms, it is easily passed on to sexual partners. It’s difficult to tell the symptoms because they usually don’t occur, but when they do, they can be seen within one or two weeks of contact. Although this infection is very common among women, men can get it, too.

Sexually active and pregnant women are at a higher risk for chlamydia. Bleeding between and/or painful periods, abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain with fever, and vaginal itching are some of the symptoms in women.

Chlamydia is usually treated with antibiotics and takes anywhere from a week to two weeks to clear up. It’s advisable to refrain from sex during treatment. If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to severe health issues, like the damaging of fallopian tubes and even infertility. Known for its rich antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, consuming one to two pods of raw garlic may help reduce infection.

  • Preventive Measures

Here are some measures you can take to prevent vaginal infection

  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes.
  • Ensure that you maintain good hygiene.
  • Include probiotics in your diet as these can help balance the good bacteria in your body. Yogurt, as well as fermented food, like kombucha, kimchi, and pickles, are good sources of probiotics.
  • Use comfortable underwear (cotton underwear is ideal).
  • Change tampons and pads regularly.
  • Avoid douches.
  • Don’t use scented toilet paper.
  • Don’t keep your swimsuit on for too long after a swim.
  • Keep your front and back area dry.
  • Immediately change wet clothes.

Things You Can  Do To Improve Vaginal Health

  • Protect vaginal pH balance by using mild and scent-free cleansers.
  • Practice safe sex. Using lubricants even when you’re using protection is important. Without lubricant, the skin of the vagina may get irritated. But, don’t use petroleum jelly; instead, use a water-based or oil-based product.
  • See your gynecologist on a regular basis.

Consult A Doctor

If the symptoms haven’t subsided within a week, it’s important to make an appointment with your doctor. In case you have a recurring infection, consult the doctor immediately. Ensure that you don’t have your period during your appointments the doctor may prescribe tests.



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