March 29, 2025 8:08 am

Health and fitness

Complete Guide to Finding an Egg Donor

Using an egg donation to become parents has become a mainstream process today. This miraculous ART procedure has helped countless intended parents have their own baby by overcoming infertility and other obstacles. However, to date, finding the right egg donor to partner with remains the most concerning part for the intended parents. After all, the egg donor will be providing half of the genetic material for the baby.

Finding an Egg Donor:

While the donor’s physical characteristics seem the most important  factor for some hopeful parents, others may find her academic background a more decisive factor. We discussed a few such things that you should compare and discuss to find the perfect egg donor.

Figure Out Why Egg Donation is So Important for You

This is the first step!

Sit down with your spouse (if you are partnered), and discuss why you are adopting this process. Through this discussion you can find out what goals and subgoals you want to achieve.

You will be able to learn each other’s expectations from donor egg parenthood and what characteristics you want  in  your donor.

Six Medical Factors to Learn About Your Donor

1. Her Hormone Levels

The best indicator of your donor’s fertility health are blood hormone levels. Get the basic information along with fertility hormones such as AMH, LH, FSH, Estradiol levels. AMH is the best predictor here and the score should be high. Most clinics do not accept AMH scores below 1.0 and some prefer a count over 3.0. For reference, the typical donor AMH score falls between 1.8 and 3.0. Similarly, FSH levels on day 2 should be below 10.

2. Ovarian Reserve Health

Also on day 2 of the donor’s cycle, run a ‘Baseline Ultrasound’ which is also known as a ‘Follicular Scan’. This will give a visual of the ovarian volume and confirm an optimal antral follicle count. The number of follicles present is a strong indicator of how many eggs can be retrieved. Normally, clinics require a minimum of 6 visible follicles to accept the donor.

3. Previous Success of the Donor

Find out how many times your donor has donated before and how often. How many eggs were retrieved each time and whether those donation cycles resulted in pregnancies.

4. Last Donation Cycle

Find out if your egg donor has already donated in the past 3 to 4 months. The ovarian reserve requires some time to replenish after a donation cycle and donor’s are advised to wait for 6 months before donating again. Also, even for a donor who has produced 20+ eggs in the previous cycle, she may have her fertility diminished over time.

6. Egg Donor’s Age

Perhaps you already know this. The age of a woman plays a significant role in her egg health.  As a rule of thumb, the younger your donor is, the better. Donors in their early 20s give the best results. After 30, a woman’s fertility starts dropping quickly and dramatically.

Shortlist More Than Just One Donor

It is best that you make a list of top 5 donors and then ask your clinic to run screenings to find out who is the most fertile. Women’s fertility drops and rises month to month. You can also look for egg donor classified ads to consider your search.

What About a Friend or Family Member Donating for You?

If you are considering having a friend donate eggs for you, they will have to undergo a series of blood tests and possible ovarian scan to qualify as a donor. The clinic or your agency will  explain exactly what is required, and when those tests should be taken.

We recommend collecting the donor’s medical records and recent test results and providing them to your IVF clinic. Working with a donation agency can make this process simpler as they will take care of the arrangement and the paperwork.

Three Optimal Options for Finding an Egg Donor

Through Your Clinic

Most U.S. clinics offer egg donation and can match you with a local donor for a relatively low fee. The price should range from $8,000 to $14,000 USD apart from your preferred treatment  cycle.

Usually, overseas donation programs come at a very affordable price from the local area, costing you around $4,000 to $6,000. However you may face a limitation with local donors regarding ethnicity. For some couples, it is important that their donor looks like the intended mother.

Through a Donation Agency

Egg donor agencies have donors from versatile ethnicities and racial backgrounds and they are generally the most thoroughly screened donors you can find. The cost of using a donor from an agency is about $14,000 to $20,000 USD. This cost includes the donor’s travel and lodging expenses if the clinic is overseas.

Ask a Friend or Family Member

While not many people choose this path, it’s still a viable option. You can make a list of people you know who would be a good donor match. Discuss the matter with them to see if they are willing to donate and ready for the fertility tests and the commitment.

Take Away

Finding the right donor is a very important part of the donation process. Depending on your family goals and values, the medical, physical attributes, and academic criteria of matching with a suitable donor can change.

Hence, it’s important that you make up your mind about what factors are necessary for you and share them with the clinic and the agency.



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