March 29, 2025 8:24 am

Health and fitness

5 Health Issues of Working Women Should Look Out For


  • Are you a woman who is a working professional looking to prove yourself through long hours at work?
  • Do you know which health issues you should look out for while managing your tough professional commitments?
  • Have you tried to go for regular and periodic checks for PCOS, Cancer, and Depression, and so on?

We all know that as compared to men, working women have to climb far more uphill to gain professional successes. In most cases, women juggle their households, their relationships and their careers by taking a lot of stress and ignoring their health.

The need to prove yourself in a particular field can be mentally and physically exhausting. In this article, we are going to help all working women look after important health issues, which should not be ignored. However, before we begin, we should focus on why women, especially the ones who are working tend to ignore their health, intentionally and unintentionally.

Why women need to prove themselves as stronger and competent more than men do?

There have been innumerable studies on how the professional environment in the present world does not tolerate weak individuals. The stresses, the career, the benefits and the best salaries are only reserved for the strongest and most efficient of all individuals.

For a woman, pointing out health issues can seriously compromise their career, promotion or increments. Males who do not suffer from women-centric health issues might be preferred over them. This is why most women are scared to look after their health issues or go for regular check-ups.

5 Health Issues of Working Women Should Focus on The List

However, women who tend to ignore health issues stand the risk of falling ill seriously. This can put an end to many of their personal and professional dreams. The key is to strike a balance and ensure that good health helps in improving productivity and efficiency and allowing you to stay at the top of your game.

  • Breast Cancer

According to the WHO, breast cancer affects more than 2.1 million women every year. This means it is far more common than you think. Early detection is the best way to get ahead of the same and treat it before it becomes dangerous. If the regular check-ups reveal something, you should always go for a breast lump removal in Singapore. Once you go to a doctor, you can do the identification process on your own at home.

  • PCOS-

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and is routine in women who are of a reproductive age. However, ignoring the same for a long time can be harmful. PCOS is a lifestyle illness associated more with women who have irregular eating habits, depression issues, and intermittent sleep and so on. A simple USG of the abdomen can help you identify whether you have PCOS or not.

  • Depression-

Working women have to manage a lot of things and try extra hard to achieve them in most cases. The quest to be perfect in all spheres of life can be mentally exhausting. Studies have found that issues like depression and anxiety attacks are more common in women than men who are working professionals. It is best to seek help from trained therapists and counsellors if you feel you are suffering from depression related issues.

  • Auto Immune Diseases-

In the recent past, a group of scientists made a startling revelation. They saw that women were more prone to experiencing autoimmune illnesses than men were. Every human body has certain cells, which fights and attacks viruses and foreign infections. In case of some women, these cells were attacking other health cells and reducing the body’s protective capabilities. Women should check for autoimmune illnesses on a regular basis.

  • Heart Diseases-

According to health experts, one in every four women deaths in the USA was associated with the heart. Women who are prone to using smoking, alcohol and unhealthy eating to overcome pressures and anxiety end up causing their heart a lot of damage. This is why maintaining good care of your heart by being healthy, working out and taking regular tests is very important, especially for working women.


Even if you are working suicide shifts at work, working women need to take time out and focus on their health. By catching the illness early through tests and health check-ups, serious and life-threatening illnesses can be prevented. If you have any other questions regarding your health, please feel free to ask them below.



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