As a pregnant woman, you expect your body to experience many changes. You know your belly will grow. Hormones kick in and you will likely feel more emotional while carrying your new baby.
You’ll spend your pregnant months preparing for your newborn, setting up a nursery, and getting ready for your heart to grow with love.
Facts About Pregnancy:

But there might be some things you don’t know about pregnancy beyond the basics. What is it like to be pregnant? Read on to learn these 9 interesting facts about pregnancy.
1. Mother’s Blood Volume
During pregnancy, the blood volume greatly increases by some 40% to 50%. The extra blood is needed to carry oxygen to the growing baby.
The average woman has around a gallon and a half of blood volume. This means it should carry an extra .75 gallon of blood.
2. Normal Baby Things
Women who have a 4D ultrasound are given quite the view of their baby. Not only can they pretty clearly identify the sex of their baby, but they can also get a real view of their newborn’s face.
Having this kind of ultrasound allows parents to see their baby yawning, stretching, smiling, and moving around inside the womb.
3. Uterus Size
During pregnancy, the baby grows in the womb situated in the uterus of a woman. While a woman might not be getting much bigger during her first trimester, her uterus grows to the size of an orange.
By the end of the third trimester, it has grown to the size of watermelon.
4. Preparing for Breastfeeding
You might be considering your options for feeding the baby after birth. For many women that includes breastfeeding. The body of the mother starts preparing this process long before the baby is born. In fact, shortly after the end of the first trimester, the mother’s body starts to produce breast milk, long before actually delivering.
5. Smells
Most women who have been pregnant might attest to the fact that certain smells made their stomach roll during pregnancy. In fact, it isn’t just the change in hormones causing the smell problems.
For most women, their sense of smell is altered while pregnant. There is no one formula for how that goes for women, scientists just know the sense of smell is altered during pregnancy. Sometimes, it’s even the first clue a woman is pregnant.
6. Bigger Heart
Sure, your heart is about to explode with love for your new baby. But that increase in blood in the mother’s body also causes the heart to grow during pregnancy too.
With the circulatory system working harder to pump that blood and get oxygen to the baby, the heart increases in size too.
7. Pregnancy Brain
Have you heard other women say they have a pregnancy brain? In fact, this is another strange phenomenon of pregnancy. The idea that your brain just doesn’t quite work the way it did when you weren’t pregnant.
Scientists don’t know why, but most women can confirm a sort of fogginess while pregnant.
8. Food Flavors
Do you have certain cravings while pregnant? Maybe you ate a lot of garlic or Thai food while pregnant. Guess what? When you eat a lot of certain flavor in food, the taste can actually get to your baby and they can taste it.
The flavors pass through both amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord and your baby can taste those flavors too. You might be exposing their taste buds before they are ever born by what you eat.
9. Twins?
Are you hoping to someday have twins? How tall are you? A study by the Journal of Reproductive Medicine found that taller women are much more likely to have twin births.
Know These Interesting Facts About Pregnancy
If you check out this dentist in Sun City, they’ll also tell you about the not-so-common fact that pregnant women are more prone to periodontal diseases. This is due to the changes occurring in their bodies. Therefore, it’s important that they take special care of their dental health.
These fun facts about pregnancy help to explain the strange time for a woman and her body. The growing baby often has things happen in the body that feel so unusual beyond just the baby belly.
Learning these interesting facts about pregnancy can help you understand all that’s happening during your pregnancy.
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