Eczema can result in the skin being red or chapped. In addition, it might look gray, purple, or brown on darker skin tones. Natural and home remedies can soothe itching and dry skin, which accompanies eczema.
Natural Remedies For Eczema

Other methods to manage or prevent eczema flares include lifestyle and dietary changes, natural products, or creams. This works best in winter when symptoms tend to be very bad.
If you are using prescription medications for treating eczema, ensure that you consult with your doctor before you try new natural or home remedies. So, let’s find below four natural remedies to help protect and moisturize your skin’s natural barrier.
● Manuka honey
When you apply eczema cream made with manuka honey to your skin, you will find that it deals with the symptoms. Honey is a natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. People have used honey to treat wounds for centuries.
Studies also showed that applying a mixture of beeswax, olive oil, and honey to your skin. It can improve symptoms of both psoriasis Vulgaris and atopic dermatitis.
However, you have to note that you must use medical-grade honey for eczema treatment. Medical-grade honey is processed, and every potentially dangerous contaminant is removed.
● Colloidal oatmeal bath
Colloidal oatmeal is a natural emollient that can ease inflamed and red skin and calm uncomfortable irritation. The colloidal oatmeal is obtained from finely-ground oats.
You can get colloidal oatmeal as a finely ground powder which you can sprinkle in your warm bath. On the other hand, you can also get it as a cream.
If you want the most benefit from this natural remedy, you should soak in it for a maximum of 15 minutes. After that, pat your skin with a towel (do this gently), then apply a good moisturizer.
● Coconut oil
Coconut oil has beneficial acids which can moisturize your skin. It can help people having eczema and dry skin. It also has antibacterial abilities and can lower staph bacteria on the skin, thus preventing infections.
This is essential because people with eczema have patches of inflamed skin that might ooze and crack, thus letting bacteria enter. Also, virgin coconut oil can protect the skin by improving the health of the skin barrier and combating inflammation.
● Make diet changes
Since eczema is an inflammatory condition, some foods might reduce or cause body inflammation. Therefore, if you make some dietary changes, you can lower eczema flares. Some inflammatory foods include wheat, soy, eggs, dairy, nuts, and shellfish.
So, try to remove or reduce some of these foods from your diet. But on the other hand, anti-inflammatory foods can help. They include yogurt, fatty fish, vegetables, cinnamon, turmeric, spinach, beans, and apples.
Though eczema has no cure, you can manage the symptoms with natural and home remedies like dietary changes, medicated baths, natural oils, and gels. Combining the above-mentioned natural remedies and self-care, you can manage eczema cases. Using goat milk soap is also a good choice. Is goat milk soap good for eczema? Luckily, with its natural ingredients, it is an eczema-friendly product.
You should consult your doctor when eczema doesn’t respond to home treatments or is severe. Also, if your baby or child gets a new rash, seek medical attention immediately. Your doctor might prescribe steroid creams or other medicines for inflammation treatment.