February 22, 2025 11:27 am

Health and fitness

6 Ways Women Can Treat Back Pain Effectively

Feeling any type of physical discomfort is unpleasant and can inhibit anyone’s ability or motivation to complete daily tasks.

Back pain is unfortunately so common, and for the woman who has so much to do in a day, it is a big burden.

There is not always a specific reason that you might feel plagued by the toils of back pain, though there are a few methods that can help.

Ways Women Can Treat Back Pain:

At-home remedies as well as professional medical advice can both help to reduce the daily struggles any woman may face with her back pain.

If you are looking for a way to ease the tension in your back, consider trying these methods to see if they offer you results.

  • See a Chiropractor

With any medical concern you have, it is always best to get in contact with a medical professional. They are the most knowledgeable and can point you in the right direction quickly.

A great step toward combating back pain is to see a chiropractor. They know how to work with many types of pain and can help with readjustment.

Getting in touch with a chiropractor is great for alleviating pain that may be caused by the misalignment of the spine. While that is not the case in every individual that feels back pain, it could help to find out from a chiropractor.

If you have serious concerns about the aches and pains you feel, you might want to speak to a medical professional who can direct you to the right remedies.

  • Stretch Daily

Your muscles want to move! A great way to keep your back from holding onto too much tension is to stretch it out every day.

Beginning your day with a simple stretch routine can make a big difference in how you feel for the rest of your time awake.

If you are able to make the time, practicing yoga in a class or on your own is also a great method for stretching out the back. It can get the muscles working, keep your blood flowing, and improve your mental health!

Staying in one position for too long can be the cause of a backache. Making time in your schedule to stretch at least once a day can truly make a difference.

  • Use a Neck Hammock

If you are looking for a home remedy that is more targeted for upper back pain, a neck hammock could assist you.

Neck hammocks are a great option to take the tension off the neck and shoulders, which tend to tense up frequently.

These contraptions work by slightly elevating the head away from the spine to remove some of the pressure. This is great for increasing blood flow in the upper back, shoulder, and neck area.

Temporary or chronic neck pain can be alleviated using the right neck hammock, as long as you stick to a routine of using it as it is meant to be used.

For more information about all the options for purchasing a neck hammock, check out this awesome resource from Cool Things Chicago. All of the options offer different benefits, so it is worth finding the one that suits your needs the best.

A neck hammock could change the way your neck and back feel on a daily basis, allowing you to do more and feel good about it.

  • Get a Massage

While this might not seem feasible to everyone, getting a massage routinely could significantly lessen the back pain you experience.

In many cases, a massage that loosens up the muscles can relieve the pain from anything your back may have endured. Injuries and poor posture are often reasons you might experience back pain that a massage can alleviate.

A daily massage should not be necessary unless you have a significant other willing to provide one to you! Instead, try to go once a month to periodically relieve any built-up tension you might be living with.

There are multiple different styles of massage that you can try to see which has the most significant impact on your pain. You can even have some fun and go with a loved one to make a day of it!

Massages aren’t for everyone, but it could be worth a try to help loosen up those back muscles.

  • Wear Comfortable Shoes

If you have to dress up for work, you probably feel inclined to wear uncomfortable dress shoes, possibly with higher heels.

The shoes you choose to wear for the majority of the day could actually have an impact on the way your back feels. A higher heel can cause tension to build up in your back, resulting in discomfort.

Straining your back with a high heel is not worth the pain it will cause. They are nice to wear on occasion, but your daily shoe should be relatively flat to provide the most comfort.

Instead of tight high heels, look for a pair of flats that can easily be dressed up. Many shoe brands are also conscious of the level of comfort they provide and use softer soles to reduce back strain.

Making a small change like the pair of shoes you wear daily could help your back pain significantly.

  • Don’t Sit Too Long

Many jobs take place in front of a computer screen, sitting behind a desk. Sitting for too long can actually make your back pain worse, especially if you have bad posture.

If you sit for too long, a lot of pressure is placed on the back which can result in severe discomfort. It is important to find ways to get up and move during the day.

Being behind a desk might be unavoidable, but you can use a standing desk to help you stand up throughout the workday. These raise the height of the surface you work on so you can stand and work comfortably.

Taking snack breaks, trips to the bathroom, or just walking around to greet coworkers is another great way to stand up and stretch the back muscles as you get your work done.

Many women know the struggle of dealing with back pain, but these few ways to combat it might save you from more severe discomfort.



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