Shingles are the result of the recurrence of Herpes zoster virus (varicella-zoster virus or VZV). At first, the diseased area is usually red and then turns to blisters with an itchy and burning sensation. Shingles can occur anywhere on the body, especially on the lips, chin, forehead, cheeks, and nose. Common causes of this disease include stress, fatigue, immune deficiency, cosmetic surgery, or hormonal imbalance.
What are the very first signs of Shingles?
It is important to notice the early signs of shingles to take quick action. Since shingles is a viral infection, it can start to pain. Below written are the first signs of shingles.
Symptoms of Shingles
- Burning sensation or pain.
- Feels sensitive when you touch.
- Lot of itching or tingling.
- You will see red rashes after a few days.
- The blisters are filled with fluids.
What triggers Shingles outbreak?
As we know Shingles is called by a virus named varicella-zoster virus which is also responsible for chickenpox. Now once you have recovered from the pox, there might be chances that the virus has not completely left the body. If that is the case, it may come out as shingles in the future.
There are major changes it re-activates, so one must always take precautions and preventive measures in terms of intake of food so that it does not come back as Shingles.
What causes shingles more than once?
Shingles if at all is recurrent then it is related to a weak immune system. It can also be a problem that can happen due to aging also. There can also be medical treatment and different conditions. There are times when the virus reactivated which can result in a new phase of shingles. Shingles otherwise is not a life-threatening disease but in a serious case, one can also lose their eye-sight.
How long are you contagious with shingles?
Well before answering that, it is important to know that shingles are highly contagious. It can pass when the shingles are on the stage of red rashes. If you do not have blisters, you are not contagious. The moment you see red rashes or blisters appearing, avoid human contact.
It usually remains contagious for 7 long days if the blisters are there. It would be great if you take a sick leave from work and avoid meeting people. One the rashes disappear or have cured, you are no more contagious.
How long does Shingles last?
As seen in many cases, Shingles are likely to stay 3 to 5 weeks approximately. While this period is moderately long, Shingles has a pattern of its own and it is something one must keep a track of to get it treated properly.
In the early stage, there is a burning situation or even tingling pain that starts slowly. While the first week is ongoing, slowly there is an increase in numbness or even itching that starts on side of the body. In around 5 days, you will also see a red patch which is a rash that appears.
How many times can one get Shingles?
It many cases it said that you get shingles only once but you never know if it comes back. It is very unlikely to say that it is not a recurring issue. So it is better if you take correct preventive measures right after you have gone through it.
What can be mistaken for shingles?
There are plenty of skin diseases and fungal infections that can look similar to Shingles such as Hives, psoriasis, or eczema. If you suspect any of the above-mentioned symptoms then it is important to consult the doctor immediately. One must not always wait for a long time because shingles is contagious and can affect people around you.
Shingle is a kind of viral infection and the major characteristic of a viral infection is it spreads really fast. If any of the symptoms persist for more than 4 to 5 days, hurry up and consult the doctor.
How can you heal Shingles fast?
1. It is important to give the body rest along with a prescribed healthy diet.
2. You can indulge in a simple exercise like walking.
3. Avoid a lot of stressing over the situation. Stress reduces the time required to heal.
4. Wear any loose-fitting clothes or a natural fiber like cotton clothes.
5. Always try to do something that can divert your mind from the pain and itching.
6. If the pain and burning sensation increases, apply a cool washcloth on the blister. It will help you ease the pain and also can dry the blister quickly. Â
How to treat shingles at home?
Although there are many medicines to cure shingles in the market, you can apply simple remedies at home. Although there are many medicines to cure shingles in the market, you can apply simple remedies at home and avoid the scare of a zostavax lawsuit.
1. Garlic

Since ancient times, garlic has been used as an antiseptic. Many experiments showed that the garlic can actually kill some bacterium causing shingles. The smaller sliced or crushed the higher its activity. Cooking will decrease the effect of garlic. Choose fresh garlic cloves, take 2-3 slices to put on top of the shingles area for 15 minutes then rinsing with water.
2. Ice

The cold heat of ice can relieve pain and swelling of the bumps, as well as prevent the spread of shingles. This treatment is applied before appearing rash or when there is a tingling sensation.
3. Milk

The calcium component available in milk helps to fight off the virus causing the disease. Milk helps to heal wounds and acne. You just need a little cotton to absorb into the milk and then dip into the shingles for a few minutes. Repeat this remedy about 2-3 times every day. This is a simple cure for shingles.
4. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera reduces itching and discomfort caused by swelling. You can make aloe water to drink or apply directly on the skin.
Use in drinking: cut a branch of aloe vera (about 65 g), remove all spines on both sides of this branch because they contain many toxins. Then slicing into a small slice and adding the boiling water. Remove the residue and drink it once a day.
Used to cover the outside: Crush a branch of aloe to get juice and put it into a bowl, mix this juice with mashed green beans. Apply to painful swelling. When your diseased skin is dry, you continue to apply this mixture. Do it regularly for 4-5 days shingles will heal without scarring.
5. Onions

Onions have the effect of relieving shingles. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, onions help to heal blisters effectively. Apply a slice of onion to the shingles area and rinse with water after some minutes.
6. Honey

Honey has the effect of killing bacteria, virus resistance, so it works well with shingles. Apply directly on the infected skin area then clean with water. Repeat every day, your shingles will be no longer itchy and heal soon.
7. Essential oils for the treatment of shingles:

Lemon grass essential oil
Studies have shown that lemon grass oil can remove effectively the herpes simplex, virus – which causes ulcers. It is also one of the best oils to treat shingles.
Rose essential oil
Rose essential oil is capable of destroying acne on the skin, making the skin cleaner. With powerful bactericidal properties, you only need to dilute the pure rose essential oils with a ratio of 0.25% and apply on shingles area or acne. Besides, you can use a cotton swab to a drop of oil on the shingles three times a day.
Cajeput Oil
This is an essential oil extracted from leaves and branches of Melaleuca, known for its antibacterial and skin care benefits. To cure shingles at home, dilute cajeput oil with cold water, apply to injured skin 3 times a day.
Tea Tree Oil
Is tea tree oil good for shingles? Tea tree oil is one of the most effective essential oils for the treatment of many skin ailments like shingles. Furthermore, Tea Tree oil has anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve pain. Thanks to its antibacterial property, tea tree oil help to prevent further infection and scarring.
How to use tea tree oil for shingles?
You can use tea tree oil in different ways to cure shingles. Below are some of best-known ways of using tea tree oil:
-Mix tea tree oil with lavender oil and cover it lightly with your shingles area. Lavender oil is considered as an analgesic and antiviral agent, and you will get a surprising result by combining of these two oils to remove shingles. Apply this mixture several times per day, your shingles area will be improved quickly.
-Combine lavender and tea tree oil to make a cold or hot compress. Add 10-20 drops of each of these oils in a pan of hot or cold water. Then, soak a cloth in this mixture of essential oils and wring it out. Apply it on the shingles rash for about 15 minutes or until it is cool for a hot compress.
-Apply the blend of 7 ml of olive oil with 3 ml of tree tea oil to make a massage lotion and then gently using a thin layer of the mixture over the shingles area for 15-20 minute as many times as possible per day. This will help you to not feel itchy and painful. Do this treatment at least 4 times in a day and repeat it for at least 15 days to speed up the healing.
Lavender oil
Lavender oil for shingles works wonderfully in curing shingles. It one of the most used essential oils with significant benefits.
Some ways to take advantage of lavender essential oil in the treatment of shingles:
-Apply directly lavender oil on the area where rashes or shingles appear.
-Take 20-30 drops of Lavender oil with Ravensara or Bergamot or Roman
-Chamomile or Lemon or Tea Tree oil to apply on shingles area for best results.
-Add 20-30 drops of Lavender oil to your bath, your shingles pain is relieved.