When you mention air pollution, everyone normally thinks about the outdoors and the air we breathe when we go out. Improvement of that air quality depends on all of us, and each and every one of us can contribute to it. However, individual effort is not enough, and that action is a collective endeavor.
There is one place , though, where you and your family have more or less the final word when it comes to the air quality, and that is your home. You spend as much, these days maybe even more time at home than outside, and it is really important to make sure your house is a safe and healthy place to be.
Improve Air Quality in your Home:

If you have not thought about it before, now is the time to consider how you can breathe easier in your living space. Air quality experts share some simple ways you can achieve that.
Reduce Humidity
Mold and mildew are one of the greatest enemies of the clean fresh air in your house, so you might want to start from them. They thrive in humid and moist environments and often cause serious respiratory problems, from allergies to asthma and many others.
In order to prevent them from appearing, or in a worse case, to remove them from your home, it is important to reduce humidity and thus make them stop growing. The best option is to use a dehumidifier, but good ventilation, especially in the kitchen and in the bathroom is also an important factor.
Change Your Air Filters Regularly
A lot of appliances in your home have air filters and all of them should be regularly checked, maintained, and replaced. Of course, the most important ones are the AC filters which do have the greatest impact on the air quality.
In order to keep the temperature in your home perfect, the AC-s cycle the air, and along with it a lot of pollutants. After a while, the AC filters get filled up, which not only jeopardizes the quality of the air you breathe, but also the regular functioning of the AC.
If that doesn’t solve your AC problem, perhaps it is time to have your air conditioner repaired.
Other air filters that need to be replaced regularly include the ones on your vacuum cleaner, as well as the kitchen vents which also take in a lot of pollutants and need proper cleaning.
Turn to Nature for Help
We know trees and plants are our saviors when it comes to the outdoor air pollution reduction, so why not turn to the greens for some indoor help as well. Buy some house plants which can absorb the pollutants and make the air at your place more breathable. You can ask for advice at the flower shop, as not all plants are so friendly and convenient for the purpose. You can consider a bit smaller options, such as lilies and ferns, or if you have more space, take something like palm trees. Besides cleaning the air, they will also make your home look better.
Keep Your Floors Clean
A lot of dust, dirt, and allergens get stuck in your rugs and carpets. By preventing them from flying around, they also work as some sort of air filters in your home. That is why it is really important to clean them thoroughly and regularly, otherwise, they may become the source of pollution.
Buying a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter can be a good idea, as it can remove lead, as well as dust, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens from the air. If you do not have time for deep and frequent carpet cleaning, maybe it is better to remove them since then the floor might be easier to wipe and sweep. Also, another simple thing that will keep your floors clean – take your shoes off when entering your home.