December 19, 2024 6:26 pm


5 Safety measures for girls in water park to be followed

water park

Girls are different from boys in a number of ways. So, they should comparatively have additional safety measures. This holds true when they visit water parks as well.

Safety measures at water park

water park slides

So, you are a girl all set to spend your day at a water park, right? But, you should remember about your safety as well while the water park. Of course, you have plans to spend a great day at the water park. You should be careful about your safety. Here are some tips to make your day great at the water park:

At the park:

Get a locker: Most water parks come with the facility to place your things. For instance, there are parks that offer cloakroom. You can use such a room with locker facility to place your valuable things if any before getting into the park. But, when you have pre-planned your trip to the water park, it is better to avoid going with any valuable like jewels.

Even, if possible, you can avoid taking your watch to the park as you will be playing in water rides. But, if you cannot avoid taking things like a watch, you can better place them in the locker before entering the park. The locker facility generally comes with a little fee and there is no harm in paying the fee if you are particular about the safety of your things.

Wear water shoes:

You might not have heard about water shoes. They are shoes made of rubber. Even though they look like sneakers, they are meant to be worn when you are in the water. Such shoes will prevent you from slipping after you get out of the water ride or the swimming pool. In addition, if it is too hot, such a pair of shoe will protect your foot.

Take a shower:

If possible, you can take a shower before and after each water ride. It is true that a lot of people go to the water parks. This means that germs are naturally going around. If you cannot bath after each ride, at least, you can take a bath finally before leaving your home.

Use a sunscreen:

When you are in the water park, irrespective of whether it is cloudy or sunny out there, it is better to wear a sunscreen with waterproof feature. The one with SPF 30 will help. Remember to apply it once in every couple of hours. Remember not to get the sunscreen near your eyes.

What if you have your periods?

period taboo

Most girls think that visiting the water park is not the right choice while at periods. But, health care professionals are of the opinion that swimming is a great exercise during periods. This is an exercise that will relieve cramps to a great extent. But, here are some safety measures to follow:

  • Just take a reusable cotton pad and place it in the crotch of your swimsuit.
  • Remember to use the one without wings as they will be visible outside your swimsuit.
  • Cloth or cotton pads are reusable and they do not disintegrate in water when you swim.
  • Cloth pads are capable enough to last for up to 5 years. They can replace about 120 tampons or pads in the lifespan.
  • Wear your swimsuit normally. Adjust the pad in such a way that it is not visible from outside and also it covers entire crotch area. Remember to check whether the pad is secure in the swimsuit. Otherwise, it might float out when you swim.
  • In case, you have a heavy period, you can use a tampon. It will help with containing the blood. Even though it will wash away a small amount of blood, it is more sanitary. You can use a tampon with or without a pad.
  • Remember not to use an adhesive pad. The reason is that the adhesive will not stick to the swimsuit when you are in the water.

As soon as you get out of the water just change a new pad or tampon before you again get into the water.


You should remember your limits, irrespective of whether you have your periods or not. You should remember to use lifeguards and remember to obey the signboards at the water park. Consume a lot of fluids to keep your hydrated at the park.



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