March 29, 2025 8:38 am


15 Fun Things To Do With Your Boyfriend When You Are Bored

If someone ever asks you what do you like to do in your spare time? Don’t hesitate, just be honest, be yourself and tell them what you are going to do to make yourself happy and productive. Do not say you like sitting around every day, watching BBC, CNN or movies unless you really do. Let us tell you some fun and cool things to do if you want to increase your productivity.

So, what to do with your boyfriend when you’re at home?

Einstein said: “The difference between people is that in their spare time, spare time to produce talent, but also produce lazy, alcoholic, brand fans, gamblers. This not only makes a difference between the performance of work but also distinguish the level of merits and demerits of life “

Check these challenges and fun things to do in your spare time

  • Do you want to dress the walls of your home? Buy a canvas and paint and let yourself go to your imagination.
  • Make yourself a beautiful photo album by carefully choosing your most beautiful shots.
  • Disguise yourself and take pictures.
  • Cut and paste things that represent you on a sheet to make a table.
  • Invent a song and register to become the most beautiful duet of the year
  • To play video games

If your buddy is completely addicted to FIFA, you can also find common ground: there is a multitude of games on the WI for everyone, but also games like Mario, Crash or Rayman. Play together or as opponents. Here are-

Amazing and Fun Things To Do With Your Boyfriend-

1. Do you have sensual messages?


When it’s five, ten, twenty years we’re in a relationship, we do not really think about messages anymore. Yet our body needs it: both physically and morally! You can start by sending romantic quotes and poems. There are many love poems for her and him available on the internet, so you don’t have to struggle much to find a romantic and sensual text! And in addition, you risk again to finish in sponges and that’s pretty cool!

2. Play sports together


Like the chores, the sport, it is not what one prefers to do often … But with two, it is always better! So, we take a floor mat, or not, and we do pushups, squats or whatever. You can do your turn each and the other one counts next to you ahah … Better yet, put yourself below him when he makes pumps

3. Take a picture


Organize a little photoshoot. Put yourself in the activity! Sets, disguises, makeup. Have fun! Make the Cowboys, reinvent fairy tales, become Titi and Big Twink, finally what you want as long as you are both on the same wavelength … Nothing matters! And above all, you can also take the time to build a small photo album of you two with PhotoBox

4. Do some work on your love nest


Yes! Build furniture, paint, holes in walls, put up posters, move furniture! Be creative! And above all, get on with it! You can also plan some future investments to get some good results because when you plan to grow together, you plan to be with each other forever.

5. Massage and relaxation session


A moment of relaxation with your lover to revive desire and relax, what’s better? Take oil, put yourself in light clothing (or without any outfit elsewhere) and massage in turn: from head to toe. You can also introduce your darling to the clay mask and all the other strange substances you paint on your face. It’s always fun to see his man with the green face screaming “Put … but that pulls your thing, I think I have an allergy”. And to close everything in beauty, a good bubble bath (or a shower that works too), both.

6. Clean up your kitchen


A job for you, and a fascinating afternoon. Ask your boyfriend to put all herbs in alphabetical order or to put all pots and pans together.

7. Make a call to your family


Let your father or mother tell a nice story about the past on the phone (does not have to take hours). Making a call with someone they love gives a good, positive feeling. Chances are that it inspires to do something fun afterward. Can you make a drawing for grandpa?

8. Cook something


You are not a top chef, no. But most of all, you hate to cook, you are simply not behind the stove. However, when you get together, the kitchen becomes a moment of pleasure and sharing. Take a book for amateur or go flush on the internet THE dish you want to enjoy tonight. Put on an apron and cook receipes while having fun. The flour battle is highly recommended.

9. Listen to music


Lying in bed, listen to your favorite music. Close your eyes and let yourself go to your senses. Maybe his hands will come around on your body, or maybe you’ll fall asleep, who knows? A nap has never hurt anyone!

What is your favorite music? Tell us in the comment section

10. Pillow fight


Looking for some genuine fun things to do with your boyfriend? Have a pillow fight. Collect all pillows from around the house for a huge pillow fight.

11. Teach the dog tricks.


Search the internet for a manual and explain it to your boyfriend. You will see: they have hours of fun with the dog to learn to give a paw.

12. Learn painting skills


Painting is the best way to pass time. It is not important for you to have art skills in this process. What is important is that you can learn more skills in free time, make yourself more fulfilling and rich. But how is this amongst the fun things to do with your boyfriend? Well, because painting together can make moments sensual as well! Don’t go for the logic, be in the moment and enjoy.

13. Plan the next vacation


Summer is coming, it’s time to plan the holidays. It’s always nice to look for the dream destination, to organize the best this week of relaxation. Do you agree on the place, the activities you would like to do, the place where you want to live during the stay (camping? Hotel? Guest house? Palace?) … and start booking the tickets. You can already imagine what awaits you in a few weeks.

14. To play board games


Monopoly, a small ferry, good pay … The board games are not only for children. You will find your soul as a competitor, cheater perhaps, of course. It is not just one of the fun things to do with your boyfriend, but you can call some f your friends as well and have a mini party at your place! You will share a beautiful moment full of complicity and laughter. Unless he hides a bad player in your relationship!

15. Talk and laugh


Read More: What Do Women Want In A Relationship To Be Happy?

Probably it is the best amongst fun things to do with your boyfriend. And yes, discuss. It’s stupid but sometimes we do not think about it. We prefer to put a weak show on TV rather than take the time to communicate. Too bad. Do you tell humorous anecdotes, jokes, make statements … You can also hide and seek with anyone (the smaller the apartment, the funnier it is). I often try to remember what I loved to do when I was little since we are all great children …



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