Confidence? How do you define confidence? or how can one say that you are a confident girl? Confidence is essential to stand above the crowd. Google defines it as “the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something,” but the practical meaning of confidence is much more than it.
Many women prepare well for the job interview but don’t get it because they couldn’t represent their knowledge and personality well. Many girls get nervous during college competitions and eventually lose due to lack of confidence in themselves.
What causes a lack of confidence?
Lack of confidence is directly related to low self-esteem in a person. Most people start to feel a little less loved, incompetent to do everything, or feel awkward. There are different reasons why people lack self-confidence.
1. Different life experiences
There is plenty of life experience one can have which can lead to lowering self-confidence. These are individual experiences one goes through which are as follows.
- A severe trauma– A trauma can be categorized as physical, sexual, or mental. There can also be a certain kind of emotional abuse that can lead to severe trauma to a person which ultimately results in a lack of self-confidence to anything in life. There are times when a person can feel replaying the memories that have physical or emotional abuse in it. It is such experience that makes it difficult for a person to move on and lead a free life.
- How one has been parented- Well this is a very important part of self-confidence journey. The parenting style that one goes through will determine how confident is the person in life. If some experiences in parenting represent control over one’s emotions and actions, then it can lead to a lack of confidence in a person.
- Bullying while growing up– Schools and colleges can sometimes be a harsh place to be if there are bullies all around. Bullying is one of the worst experiences one can go through while one is growing up. That’s why bullying since childhood can directly be responsible for the lack of confidence. You would have to learn how to stand up for yourself.
- Sexual, physical, or mental harassment– Harassment in today’s can be constituted in so many ways. Mental, sexual, or physical harassment can be very stressful and can change your life completely. Humiliation in childhood or sexual harassment anywhere like the workplace can lead to mental disturbance and in return.
2. Quest for perfectionism
Always expecting for perfectionism is another way of bringing yourself down. It is actually faulty thinking which in turn lowers your self-confidence. The day you fail at attaining the unrealistic perfectionism goal, you will see a lack of confidence the next time.
3. Genetic reasons
Our genes have a role to play in shaping self-confidence. There are many genetic factors that are responsible so one must not blame self. Some aspects of behavioral changes also lead to changes in confidence.
As a woman, it’s an inbuilt feature that we worry more about our looks, knowledge, personality, and abilities. Most of the women always doubt their individual personalities which decreases their self-confidence. Confidence is more about who are you rather than what you want to be! Here, Womenlite wants every woman to feel confident about themselves and thus we present you:
How to be more confident?
Being confident is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It is a quality that will stay with you for years and help you in every phase of your life.
Easy tips to increase confidence level
1. Dress up well
You don’t have to dress up to impress anyone. Dress up well means that you have to dress up the way you want to get addressed. No matter what the event is, you must dress up in a way that whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, you always gain some amount of confidence. It’s not for anyone else, not your classmates, your colleagues, your boss, your friends, or even your boyfriend. It’s for you!!
2. Be your own critic
It is important that you assess yourself along with the decisions you have made. Self-critic is important to help you grow and remove the lack of confidence in you. Once you start critiquing yourself, others’ opinions will not make a difference in your confidence.
3. Indulge in self-care
Self-care and keeping yourself first is also very important. Don’t wait for someone else to do it or be dependent on anyone else. Take care of yourself so that in touch situations you are your own strength. This will also build self-confidence in you.
4. Self-Affirmations are necessary
Giving yourself an affirmation when required is a big task and also necessary. To be more confident, you need to learn to be appreciative of yourself. It is also one way to show support to yourself.
5. Get ready to face rejections
Not everything you want will go as you wish. It is important that you prepare yourself mentally to face rejection too. The day you learn to get over your rejection, is the day you become more confident.
6. Help others
So if you think you are capable of helping people in their tough times or helping them move forward in life, that is when you also build confidence. To be more confident, do something that keeps you on your toes and put in responsibility in you. By helping others, you will learn that you capable of solving someone’s problem.
7. Don’t try to please
Never try to be someone what you’re not. Fakeness is not welcome and you’ll end up messing things. You don’t have to please everyone, you can’t, no one can! Sticking to yourself and being proud of it, is the first step towards a confident life.
For instance, if you don’t like to put on makeup but your other classmates do, don’t try to become one of them in order to be with them. It’s all about choices of living life in a certain way.
8. Don’t doubt on your appearance
Most of the women are never satisfied on how they look and want to change or modify their looks in the desire to look prettier than the rest. Well, it’s the high time to realize and believe that everyone is beautiful in their way. Obviously, being fit is good and maintaining a good physique also benefit you internally but you don’t have to constantly criticize yourself for being chubby.
9. Stop being anxious
It is found that women are more anxious than men and anxiety can never let you build your confidence. Anxiety about anything leads to disturbance in mental well-being. Confidence is more related mentally! Situations happen and you can’t control your tension because it doesn’t contribute anything good to the situation. So, how not to feel anxious? Just trust yourself that you can deal with the situation and your one thought can uplift your confidence and courage. So, here is something to encourage you-
What To Do When No One Supports You?
The most effective method to Build Confidence Even When You’re Feeling Unsure of Yourself
10. Be you
Read more: 54 Self Care Tips – How To Look After Yourself
The simplest thing to increase your level of confidence is just ‘BE YOU.’ You have been learning so many things since your birth and no one is exactly similar to each other. You may have your own ideology and mindset which may not fit in the norms of the society but that doesn’t isolate you from it.
You can happily stay within the society by creating your own individuality. Remember your different takes on fashion, love, career, marriage, etc, separates you from the stereotypes!
Best books on confidence:
Reading books is definitely one of the most fulfilling habits you can put. There are plenty of books on self-confidence and confidence building that one can read and gain lots of knowledge.
Some of the best selling books are-
1. Think and grow rich by Nepoleon hill
It is a very enriching books that lets you think about how one can accomplish things or dreams which they are passionate about. It also tells you that one must have a burning desire to accomplish things and only then in reality you will have the courage to do so. Also, It gives you knowledge of being unstoppable in this journey of achieving a target.
2. Awaken the Gaint Within by Tony Robbins
This books is purely for those people who are looking out on ways to build self-confidence. It helps you learn how to take control of your own life and how to change the reality. It’s take on how to virtually start improving all the areas of your life is very beautifully written. This is a books that gives you a direction and a path to follow than to give you direct solutions.
3. The Magic Of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
If you are reading anything for the first time about self-confidence, then this is a book well written in simple and easy to understand language. It writes the importance of self-confidence along with the power self-belief in life.
So, a simple short and sweet message is that being confident is just about believing yourself and your capabilities.
Motivate yourself by reading this:
July 24, 2020Yes I love it! We all need to boost our confidence. Thanks for sharing!
July 24, 2020I love all the positivity in this article! I always wonder why we are so quick to judge each other yet desperately seek approval from others too! you can only be you no one else x
The Brainy Mama
July 24, 2020Okay, okay. I’m bookmarking this article. I totally agree especially with the first tip. Dressing up well really boosts one’s confidence level.
July 24, 2020#1 is cool! when I started running. I thought that everyone would know i wasn’t a runner. Then i went shopping for running gear. After, i wasn’t better but I convinced I was cool with my running gear, confidence went right after that. Sometimes you have to pimp what you see in the mirror so that it will make its way to your brain 🙂
robin rue
July 24, 2020Love these. I wish more people were just themselves instead of being fake.
Amy Victoria Baldwin
July 24, 2020Great tips! I always have to dress up more/wear make up to feel more confident in myself! But I still do it for me and not for other people. I’m also getting very good at not feeling like I need to please everyone – it’s just a better way to live! ☺️
Terri Beavers
July 24, 2020I have a lot of self-doubt when it comes to my appearance. I’m so self-conscious about the things I don’t like about my appearance. I just need to feel confident, print your tips, and apply them every day.
Amber Myers
July 24, 2020Yes, being you is always so important. I always try to be more confident and I tell my kids the same thing.
Peter Lotterhos
July 24, 2020Great tips! I want to add one more point here: Stay away from negative people because they can harm you and your self esteem. Nice post.
Claudia Krusch
July 24, 2020I always feel more confident when I am dressed up a little bit. It seems to put a little pep to my step. These are all great tips for increasing your confidence level.
Sondra Barker
July 24, 2020I love how positive and uplifting your message it! Tip one is so great because when you look good for yourself, your inner confidence always exuberates on your exterior. Great post!
July 24, 2020Thank you for sharing something that so many women (including myself) struggle with. I am certainly guilty especially of trying to please everyone.
Momina Arif
July 24, 2020Confidence is a tricky one. But I,completely agree that you have to be you and you don’t have to please anyone. I think,those two things make all,the difference for me.
Hey Sharonoox
July 24, 2020Great post! I enjoyed reading the tips. Agreed that self confidence is so important. I must try to be less anxious.
July 24, 2020I love this! The dressing up nice and comfortable true to you is key. I always feel a huge boost in confidence when I dress up and make an effort.
Amanda Love
July 24, 2020Those are simply awesome tips! It’s important to be confident in everything that you do, even when you’re a little unsure. I think these could be helpful to people who find it a little difficult to find their inner confidence.
July 24, 2020Love #1 and #2! Accepting the fact that I can’t please everyone was hard but it helped me become happier and more confident.
Cynthia Nicoletti
July 24, 2020Great tips. I do agree if you look good you will feel good and that will change your entire attitude.
Sharon Wu
July 24, 2020What a wonderful and inspiring post! Confidence is so important for success everyday and it’s always good to keep the confidence level up 🙂 thanks for sharing your tips! Personally, getting up early, going to the gym, and actually getting dressed helps me get a good start to the day! xo, sharon
Victoria Nova
July 24, 2020Loved your blog and apriciate you Girl!thanx for great and exactly important tips for confidence :)))
Jennifer L
July 24, 2020Just love your amazing tips! I think its so important to be ourselves, and to own our style and who we are!
July 24, 2020Great tips. confidence and success go hand in hand. It can be hard to have confidence in yourself and we first need to be happy with our appearance to do this.
July 24, 2020I actually never experienced low confidence before, I’m always confident in myself. However, I agree with you, and I really think being yourself is important and not trying too hard to please everyone is good reminder as well.
Katie Kinsley
July 24, 2020My problem is that I DO try to please. I work in customer service so I always have that goal to make the customer happy. It does not help in my self-confidence because I’m not good at speaking up for myself.
Besties Notepad
July 24, 2020Don’t try to please others and be you are my favorite mantras. You are what you are 🙂
Vinod Verma
July 24, 2020lack of confidence is a big problem, you have shared great tips. Keep writing
Arra Odeza
July 24, 2020Thanks for sharing this motivational post. Honestly, I am guilty of having doubt in my appearance and anxious all the time. I don’t have the confidence to wear the clothes that I want and also wearing makeup.
Jeenu Pillai
July 24, 2020For a decade my mother thought that confidence is something that comes naturally. She has always been conscious of herself. She would never wear something that would actually look good on her just because she isn’t confident enough. Also the fact that we live in India and women in general here are taught not to do what they want to but to listen to the men around. Not her fault. But off late, she has begun to understand it is absolutely necessary to love yourself and do what you feel is good for you. Your posts reminds me the tremendous change that my mother has gone through. I just hope i am making sense.
David Elliott
July 24, 2020Mostly it comes down to acceptance of who you are and not trying to be who you are not. This is such an important thing to know in order to improve confidence.
Prateek Goel
July 24, 2020Thank you so much for such a post! Such a motivational post. I’ll still not so much confident about few things like my clothing sense, etc. Even I don’t like fake people and they are more near me.
Nayna Kanabar
July 24, 2020This article is so good and has lots of positive advise that’s really helpful.
July 24, 2020I really liked all of these but I think the ones that stood out to me most were trying not to please others and remembering to just be yourself. I think we lose sight of those too often.
Ania Travels
July 24, 2020Great tips. I always dress up nicely no matter the occasion because it increases my confidence. My friends think I’m crazy.
Our Family World
July 24, 2020Thank you for these tips. I am not confident with the way I look, especially when I am around my sisters and cousins who are great dressers and successful in their careers. When we have formal get-togethers, I always opt out because I feel like I would look shabby beside them. I think I have to love myself more and build confidence.
July 24, 2020These are great tips, dressing nicely is definitely a good way to increase confidence!
Via Bella
July 24, 2020Some of these are easier than others to do but they are great tips. I think some just come with age.
July 24, 2020I suffer with anxiety and it definitely does affect my confidence. I’ll definitely try putting these tips in to practice now.
Tadeja Umek
July 24, 2020Thanks for sharing!!
I think we’re all constantly trying to be a bit more confident and just a little bit more secure in our own bodies.
Have an amazing week!
July 24, 2020Dressing up definitely boosts my confidence level. I love you added a point about Anxiety. It is so me. I ruin a lot of thing because of anxiety. I am learning everyday to get better
July 24, 2020nice write up, this is very timely and helpful for people that doubt their persona, I totally agree with “BE YOU” – you dont need approval to anyone, accept the mere you and just be yourself 🙂
July 24, 2020I agree with your tip of not doubting your appearance. I can relate to this because I am not very confident with the way I look. I keep comparing myself with my sisters who are tall and slim. This is something I really have to work on.
elizabeth o
July 24, 2020The more time we spend being ourselves and not comparing ourselves to others, the better. Good tips and reminders for all to take to heart.
July 24, 2020What a set of fantastic tips. We all struggle with confidence sometimes, I even wrote a blog post about it, just like you. Check it out!
Kentaro Tanaka
July 24, 2020I think the being you is the most important. The other steps will definitely help also, thank you!
July 24, 2020i wear a suit daily so…i guess number 1 is checked.. – number 3 is definitely important whether your female or male – self confidence is a must so i agree with ya
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