March 29, 2025 8:00 am

Women of Substance

9 Super easy self care tips to make life simpler

self care

If you are a girl reaching or reached your puberty, it is important that you should take effective care of yourself. You should learn not just how to groom yourself, but you should also learn how to keep yourself clean and healthy. Here are some self-care tips to help:

Self Care Tips For Girls-

1. Consume the right foods:

If you wish to have a healthy body, it is highly important that you should provide your body with some healthy foods. Just stop the non-healthy snacking habits and start consuming healthy foods. Try to include good veggies and fruits in your diet.

2. Get enough sleep:

Read More: How To Fall Asleep Fast And Easy For A Complete Night Sleep?

Of course, at this stage, you will have to lot of school or college works and assignments to complete. But, remember that good night sleep of at least 8 hours is highly important. Sleep will help with restoring your body inside. So, do not compromise on it.

3. Stay fit:

Make sure that you keep yourself fit and healthy. You should include exercise or a normal walk of at least 30 minutes a day. Also, follow the habit of stretching before going to bed. It will help you a refreshing day on the next morning.

4. Take effective care of your teeth and gums:

When it comes to body care, you should give the utmost importance to your oral and dental health. Never forget to change your toothbrush once in three months and follow the habit of brushing after each meal. To ensure the utmost oral health, you can also floss. However, if flossing is too time-consuming, this expert female dentist in Melbourne suggests using interdental brushes instead. In case, you have dry lips, use chapsticks and go for the one with natural ingredients like coconut/shea butter or beeswax.

5. Wash your hands:

You might have been insisted at school about the health benefits associated with washing hands then and there. Also, do not touch your face when you have a doubt that your hands are not clean. The reason is that it can lead to acne and pimples.

6. Stay fresh:

If you have a period, it is important that you should change the pad or tampon once in every couple of hours to avoid leaking and also smelling. You can keep an alert on your phone if you need help remembering this.

7. Drink plenty of water:

It is highly important to avoid dehydration when you look for the best body and skin. Most girls commit the mistake of not consuming enough water. As against consuming any soft drinks or similar carbonated beverages, you can consume water to keep yourself active and energized.

8. Wash your hair regularly:

Regular hair wash is important not just to keep your hair clean and tidy, but also to keep your scalp clean. You should use a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type and if you have dandruff, remember to use an anti-dandruff shampoo.

9. Use a body lotion:

It is highly important that you should keep your skin hydrated. There are body lotions available for different skin types. So, use a suitable body lotion to retain the natural moisture level.


You should follow these body care tips for girls to keep yourself healthy and active all day long.



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  1. Avatar


    August 27, 2017

    #5 yes. But not TOO often, or the ability of your body to deal with bacteria might drop.

  2. Avatar


    August 27, 2017

    Seriously. Even if people knew these steps all they just do is moan and cry. And saying “You do not know anything about my life.”

  3. Avatar

    Muhammad Zeeshan Atta

    August 27, 2017

    Great Article. These all steps are not worth if you don’t follow them on daily basis.

  4. Avatar


    August 27, 2017

    I love this post, but they are also applicable to boys to some extent. This days technology has really made some ladies not to have enough sleep because they are always on their phone chatting and doing some other stuff online. But still on that all this tips you have noted here are great for a healthier life.

  5. Avatar


    August 27, 2017

    Such simple yet efficient ways to achieve a simple, healthy and happy life. I loved your tips. And I will follow them

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